Thursday, March 7, 2013

Helsinki-2nd Month, Everyday Living

Everyday living
   Sunday.  One of my favorite days.  Not because I am excited that it’s still the weekend.  Not because for most people it’s generally the day of recover.  But because of Sunday night dinners.
   A close group of friends of mine all live in the same apartment.  To live up to Ellen Degeneres's campaign to incorporate more time together as a family, Johan, Jasper, and Mats switch off making dinner for the apartment on Sunday and everyone sits down and shares the meal.
Mats helping show Jasper how to cut carrots
An example of a Sunday dinner

   I look forward to it every week.  It reminds me that I have made my own sense of home here.  And I love my new home!
   But the grocery store... I must say I get VERY overwhelmed... it's like walking into a beehive, everyone rushing around grabbing things.  And this weighing business you have to do BEFORE you check out?  Confusing... but I am getting the hang of it with a little help :D

   Besides that I drag Mats and anyone else that will put up with me around the city to see all the sights. 

I still haven't been to nearly as many museums as I'd like to and it’s already been close to two months!  But no worries, the rents are coming in a couple of weeks and I know they like to see old things to feel young again ;)
   Which reminds me... Happy belated birthday to my one and only amazing brother Ben!  And Jenni... get pumped up for your big day because you get to celebrate it with me in Helsinki!
   By the way the food here... YUMMY!
First time trying tapas I believe it's called...
SUSHI!!!! Not as good as Edo's... but close enough :D

Besides that each week has a little adventure... one week it might be a Killer's concert...

Another might be a Chinese New Year celebration in downtown Helsinki!

We shall see what next month brings...

1 comment:

  1. this most recent post reminds me of when we went on a cruise and you and your sibs were to journal everyday. You consistently journal about food. Not much different here.
    Now, about that comment on your parents feeling younger by looking at history...

    Love you,
